120 CLOSE SHOT OF FLYNN 120 settling in, loosening his fingers, like a concert pianist, or a safecracker. He types in a code number, presses the "enter" key. 121 VIEW OF THE CEILING 121 We see a camera emerging from a sliding panel. 122 POV OF MCP 122 We watch as Flynn starts typing. SCREEN Access code 6. Password Series PS 17. Reindeer, Flotilla 123 FLYNN'S CRT SCREEN 123 It clears abruptly, and the following appears as we hear the VOICE of the MCP. MCP You shouldn't have come back, Flynn.TRON film script, Fourth Draft Screenplay by Charlie Haas dated April 6, 1981 https://imsdb.com/scripts/TRON.html

You shouldn’t have come back, Flynn.