Tag: Train

  • A good article on the downsides of the “Golden Age of Air Travel”

    A good article on the downsides of the “Golden Age of Air Travel”

    https://www.cnn.com/travel/article/golden-age-of-air-travel-downsides/index.html My first flight was when I was in college, circa late 1985 or 1986. I flew from KSYR to KDFW and back for a Job Trip. I didn’t end up moving to Dallas, instead I moved to Washington, DC. The rest is history… I used to fly quite a bit for work during the […]

  • A Solution To The Train Puzzle

    A Solution To The Train Puzzle

    In https://bombshelterradioblog.azurewebsites.net/2022/11/28/the-train-puzzle/ I mentioned a nifty puzzle that was shared on Mastodon. Here is how I solved it: I do not believe there is a way to solve for the other cars given the information provided. We do know there are 84 (99-C) people between the car pairs of A+B, D+E, G+H, and J+K. But […]

  • The Train Puzzle

    The Train Puzzle

    https://mathstodon.xyz/@mattp posted an interesting math puzzle on Mastodon yesterday. Since the original was in German, he provided a translation. A train is pulling 11 passenger cars. There are 381 passengers total, and in any 3 consecutive cars there are 99 passengers. How many are in the ninth carriage? https://epsilon-ix.masto.host/@mattp/109411569918653609 https://www.spektrum.de/raetsel/wie-viele-fahrgaeste-sind-im-zug/2071047 is the original article. A […]